Dermarolling - Session One

Yesterday I went for my first Dermaroller session. I didn't know much about it - and didn't want to know much about it. All I knew was that it helps to reduce scarring and pigmentation, and is a treatment a lot of ex acne sufferers use. The procedure is done by having lots of little needles rolled all over your face, forcing collagen to the surface, and therefore repairing the skin. Once I heard about the needles I didn't want to know any more - I didn't want to freak myself out - I'd seen before and after photos and that was enough for me to know I wanted to do it.

So off I went to Destination Skin, in High Barnet, nervously excited. Once I'd filled in the necessary forms, I was lead to the treatment room, where the procedure was explained a little more clearly, and Natalie set to work on my face. She explained that a course of 3 to 5 sessions within a year were the norm, and once you'd done 5 you wouldn't really see any further results - although you can keep topped up with 1 a year. She was very nice and friendly and told me if I felt uncomfortable at any point to let me know and she'd take a break.

She started by cleansing my face, then applied what felt like a gritty gel to my skin, which was to prep my face. She then squeezed any little spots I had, and emptied a whole tube of anaesthetic cream to my face and left me for half an hour while it started to numb me in preparation for the needles. My face felt a little tingly while this was taking effect, but nothing uncomfortable.

The moment had arrived. She returned.

After testing that my face was feeling numb, she began by scraping off a section of the cream then began using the Dermaroller on it. I said "ahh, it's alright, I was expecting it to be worse!" - that was before I realised she would have to be going over and over the same point. Imagine someone with a really rough brillo pad the size of a 50 pence piece on a stick scrubbing at your face. That. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world - I wouldn't do it just for the fun of the feeling, but it was bearable. No tears were shed.

The upper lip and temples were the worst parts, but a little squeeze of my own hand and curl of my toes and it was done. She worked as fast as she could and within 10 minutes the needles had made enough tiny little bleeding pinpricks to know she could stop. Ya-hah, I said bleeding pinpricks.

She then applied some Chrioxy oxygenating cream which she wiped off, to remove any blood, then applied another layer, and some Heliocare Factor 50spf Gel, both of which I have been given to use daily. I must must must do this, it's an essential part of the treatment.

So I sat up, and had a look in the mirror, and WOAH! I was expecting to be red, but for some reason, not quite this red!

Sorry - had to blank out those bits for total vanity reasons!

You are allowed to wear mineral make up for the first 48 hours - and luckily they also stock that, so Natalie applied some to my face as I hate going out make up free, let alone looking like I have just been massively burnt!

Once that was on, I looked fairly normal, but rather puffy - like I'd been ill or asleep for a while... and my face felt very tingly and sunburnt. I was told that most of the redness will go down within about 4-5 hours, but with the mineral make up I couldn't see how long it actually took.

I was told not to have a hot bath or shower last night, and just to be as gentle as I can for the next 48 hours. I may experience some breakouts and that is normal - but stick to mineral make up and don't pick anything that may pop up.

Today, my face looks a tiny bit red and I don't know if I'm imagining it, but my face looks better already. In terms of how it's feeling, it's totally back to normal. If anyone planning to get it done was concerned about the discomfort and after effects I'd tell them not to be - it's a very short while of discomfort for what will (hopefully) show worthwhile results.

The only downside is that results usually take a minimum of 6 weeks to show, but I'm already looking forward to my next treatment in 4 weeks. I will show you some before and after pictures when I post about my next session, fingers crossed there's an improvement!


  1. Great post, look forward to seeing your results in the long term. I am surprised there was some blood, I didn't bleed when I had mine. You are right about the pain, its not too bad actually.
    I hope you see great results! :-)

    Grace xx

    1. It's not like I was pouring with blood or anything - she said that was her indication of when it had worked, once she saw a pinprick of blood!! I hope I see great results too - thank you :) x

  2. Congratulations, A! You're one brave girl! I envy that your skin clinics care about covering up the horrible redness after these types of semi-invasive procedures.

    I've had my first fractionalized CO2 laser skin resurfacing session where I ended up very red,too. No cover ups after treatment so I had to endure the embarrassing walk to the carpark.

  3. What an interesting post! This looks far too much for me, I am such a baby! But if it works then that's great. Can't wait to see update pics?



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