Keihl's Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution

Keihl's Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyper pigmentation. It has a key ingredient of Active C, the latest Vitamin C derivative available on the market today, as well as peony and white birch extracts.

The solution comes in a 30ml bottle with a pipette - you apply one dropper onto cleansed skin at night, followed by your moisturiser, however I found that it was very moisturising, and for me, with oily but dehydrated skin, it was enough. I actually really liked how it made my skin feel and that I didn't need to apply anything rich afterwards to stop my skin from feeling tight.

In clinical trials, after just 2 weeks the participants noticed a decrease in the dark spot colour intensity. In 4 weeks the overall appearance was corrected, and within 8 weeks the results showed significant improvements in the overall skin tone. They claim this is down to the Active C as it becomes active on the skin immediately "The faster the activity on the skin can occur  the sooner we can see a visible difference." says Dr Sherry Hsiung, hyper pigmentation expert and a Keihl's consulting dermatologist.

When I heard these facts I was itching to get cracking with it - I have suffered from bad skin for most of my life, and have lots of red marks over my face, I was hoping that this would help to get rid of them.

Ever the eternal optimist, when two weeks came and went without my scars disappearing, I became pessimistic. I gave up on the fact it was going to work for me in the way it was intended, but liked the feel of it on my skin - it is really lightweight and hydrating, so continued to use it as a serum.

It wasn't until my bottle ran out, and I could no longer use it, that I realised it was having an effect on my scars - there was nothing miraculous - it certainly didn't clear my skin, but they were definitely faded. I would definitely buy it again - if not for the fact my scarring was slightly improved, for the sheer gorgeousness of it as a serum.

Have you tried this or any other dark spot or scar reducing product? What do you think of it?



  1. I found that Clinique's Even Better Clinical worked wonders on my scarring, it also helped with any future breakouts, they didnt get as red and didnt scar as much afterwards.
    I wanted to go a bit more natural though and I found pure Rosehip oil worked amazingly well, sunk straight into the skin and definitely helped with keeping my skin clear! I would repurchase Even Better Clinical again... but its so expensive for the few weeks that it lasts!

  2. May give this a go so desperate to fade some old acne spots
    Beauty Fiends Blog

  3. i really want to try this! i want anything that could help these darn dark spots of mine


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