Always Keeps Your Receipts

I normally always do, so I'm extra annoyed that I didn't when it mattered.

Further to the disaster with the Guerlain foundation which I'm sure you're bored with by now as I sure as Hell am, Guerlain have decided they can't refund me as they found 'no fault' with the product I returned but as a 'goodwill gesture' will offer me an exchange with another of their products.

So... recommendations for Guerlain products around the £33 mark please? And no, not any of their foundations!


  1. What about one of the perfumes? Guerlain is one of the oldest perfume houses, you could go onto MUA and do a search of Guerlain perfumes and see what comes out best and what takes your fancy - MUA is pretty good at perfume reviews. The loose kohl that they do is pretty good too, the one that you apply with your eyes closed and it deposits on the top and bottom waterline. Good luck. Jan

  2. Guerlain's bronzers are fantastic and I believe they're around this price mark.

    Always resented the fact that we can't simply return a product that didn't work for us like those in the US. More often than not, they do it there with no questions asked!

  3. I would definitely recommend the Meteorites from Guerlain,
    new follower here!

  4. Thank you very much for your suggestions, I will be sure to check them all out x

  5. Can you get a couple of listicks? I love their lipsticks. Or put it towards the sleep in a bottle stuff? I always hear good things about it. I can't remember the blasted name though!
    Jane x

  6. I was going to comment on another post, the one about the magazines and freebies, that I am jealous of women in the UK since our magazines don't include fun gifts like that. But now I'm thinking that it's absolutely insane that Guerlain will not refund your money on a product you are unhappy with, since that really is standard here. I guess there are pluses and minuses on each side of the Atlantic.


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