Too Faced Better Than Sex & Chocolate Event

Last week I was invited to Mixology in Shoreditch, by Too Faced Cosmetics for a spot of cocktail making in honour of their Better Than Sex and Chocolate event.

I had never attempted making a single cocktail before, so I was very excited to be turning my hand to the other side of the bar! Mixology is a hidden gem... it looks like a standard office door from the outside, but the other side of the door reveals a bar for the 'teacher', and three other bars set up for the 'students', filled with everything you could possibly want for a cocktail - bottles upon bottles of alcohol, mixers and garnish.... and for this event, lots and lots of chocolate!

Too Faced uses cocoa powder in some of its products (HELLO CHOCOLATE BAR PALETTE!) - which give off a gorgeous aroma, hence the theme of the event (plus the sex part is thanks to their new mascara - Better Than Sex!), so we were making chocolate cocktails all evening. There was a small group of bloggers who split into teams of three - I was with the lovely Laura of LauraLouMakeup and Zoe Newlove and together we were an awesome trio!

In total, our mixologist taught us how to make four different chocolate based cocktails -from a chocolate, tequilla and chilli tipple, to, my favourite of the evening - the white russian. At the end of the event each team was challenged to create their own chocolate based creation - we came up with It's Not Terry's - It's Mine, a chocolate orange cocktail which was gorgeous even if I do say so myself... and we went on to win!

We left a little wobbly after so many different concoctions, and loaded with Too Faced Goodies - reviews will be coming soon - if anyone would desperately like a review and swatches of anything in particular first, please let me know!

Annie of Epiphanniea contemplating which of the Melted Liquified Lips to try first

Zoe Newlove giving her cocktail a good old shake!

With our winning creation!

Can't wait to get started on all these!



  1. Looks and sounds like it was a fun event! I've got the too faced natural eyes palette which i love. I've heard a lot of good things about that mascara so will be interested to read your thoughts!

    ​Leanne @ Leanne-Marie ​ x

  2. Omg, looks like it was a fabulous event! And all those goodies!
    Passing Fancy​

  3. Such a good idea! Sounds like a great party!

  4. This looks like such an amazing event and super fun! Can't wait to see the reviews of your goodies x

  5. This looks so fun xx

  6. looks like a good event! Your lipstick looks lovely here, what is it? :) x


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