Super Gorgeous September - Photo-a-Day Challenge

I am a bit of an Instagram lover. I spend a lot of my spare time - sitting in traffic, on the tube, waiting.... looking at everyone's photos. One thing I particularly enjoy is the photo a day challenges. Well, in theory I do - in my head they sound great - a whole month, documented, day by day. But when reality hits, I've never actually managed to complete a whole month. Sure... week 1 I am onnnn ittttt! But when you start asking me to post photos of my phone background and all that other jazz that I never normally would post on Instagram, I get sidetracked, and, well, the challenge is then over for me because I skipped a day.

As most of what I post on my own Instagram (and what I like to see on others) is somewhat beauty-themed, I thought a nice way round this would be to create a photo-a-day challenge for us beauty-fiends to enjoy.

I would love it if anyone else would like to join me in this challenge.

The rules are - there are no rules! If you miss a day, don't worry about it! If you interpret 'pink' to be a nice pink cushion you have rather than the pink lipstick someone else might post - that's fine too! Interpret all the themes to fit around you and what you want to post. All I ask is that you hashtag #SuperGorgeousSept so I can see what anyone else posts.

And incase you're unfamiliar with the format - you post a photo a day for every day in September - so you'd post a picture of your hair on 1st September, a recent purchase on the 2nd etc.... geddit!?

Please help me to spread the word by including this on your own blog (if you think it's a good idea, of course!) or twitter or instagram.... if you want the full sized image for the best quality just click on my link above.

Hope you decide to play along, and look forward to seeing those that do, in September!

PS - If you don't already - you can follow me on Instagram by searching for me by username which is SuperGorgeous


  1. Think I'm gonna give this a go :) my insta name is aqeela_k x

  2. Oh my god I love this Alice!!!!! I'm gonna share it around to see if I can get some more takers <3 xxxx

  3. Just discovered your blog from Gemma (Makeup Magpies) tweet! So glad I did, it's fab! I've just started on Instagram so I will definitely take part! My username is susytron :)


  4. I may have a little go if I remember! Mine's shankate4, I will keep an eye out for yours! xx

  5. Cant wait. I've re posted this on my blog too. x

  6. so doing this! I never use my instagram properly so I'll be doing it over there! x

  7. I took a last minute decision to join in this today and have no idea when the first pic of my hair and it's literally tied up on top of my head after doing an oil treatment but instagram it I did!

    You can find me on instagram under florenceandmary


  8. Hi I've just started a new blog and am going to be doing related blogs to the September challenge please like and follow me on
    and blog lovin id is one stop savvy shop

  9. This is the first "Photo A Day" thing I've actually managed more than 2 days off, so doing well so far! x

  10. I'm doing this! Just wanted to drop in and say hi :)

    I'm lena_halo on instagram!

    Jo x


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