What's in my Feel Unique Beauty Box?

I picked up my January Feel Unique box from the post office this morning... and I'm sad to say I am very disappointed! Check out what was inside by watching my video...

Would you have been disappointed too?


  1. I got a different cleanser and Lierac product to you. It's the 1st time I've seen them add different items.

    I'm not overly excited by this box especially as this the 3rd or 4th box with a cleanser in it!

  2. I only get the Joliebox but I love watching your videos on the different boxes to see what I'm missing out on, and I'll be honest....this box did look a little blah. I agree about the conditioner too. You need the shampoo too to really test the brand!

    Also on a side note...your skin always looks so flawless! How do you get it too look so amazing?? I'm jealous. Love your eye makeup in this video too!

  3. @HGL - First for me too, and first time for no full sized item! If they send a cleanser next month it's got to be a joke, surely?!!

    @Robyn - thank you very much! I don't have amazing skin but I think a lot is do with the bad quality webcam ;) My skin has improved a LOT since using Retin-A. I am currently using Murad Vitalic 'Embrace Balance' range. The eyes were Sin and Toasted from the Urban Decay Naked palette - thanks! x

  4. I received my box this morning and I am really disappointed too, so many anti ageing products! This box doesn't particularly inspire me for a new year new me to be honest.
    Hope next time is better for you (I've had to unsubscribe).
    Louise xx


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  6. Hello! I'm italian.. :)
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