The Straight Brush

I don't know if it's just me, but it feels that every time I have been on Facebook recently, The Straight Brush has popped up as a sponsored post. Curiosity got the better of me - I clicked through, and saw a whole load of videos apparently made by actual customers, using The Straight Brush with fantastic results.

It was £34 delivered - a bargain, I had thought - if it can produce results like those I had seen in the videos... so I purchased it. I have very thick, long hair... so I thought I'd give it a go on video - to see if it really works...



  1. Love your videos! I think the 450 degree picture is meant for the U.S. Our straighteners all go up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. :-)

  2. Your hair is so beautiful, wow. I should try that.

    Big kiss
    Ana C,

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