ncLA I Am Your Muse Nail Wraps

I've never really got on with nail wraps - they always end up crinkly, dont fit my nail properly and peel away from the tip of my nail, so I was kind of expecting these to follow suit. I was pleasantly surprised that they are different from the rest - they actually worked!

ncLA have a wide range of special edition designer nail wraps from the fairly simple to amazing, whacky, creative designs. These are the 'I Am Your Muse' wraps - which are a metallic red with a black lace design on them. You get 22 wraps in the pack, as well as a nail file. The only extra thing you need is a clear nail polish and then you're good to go!

To use them, you start by painting your nails with a clear polish, then once it's dry, pick out the wrap which fits best for your nail. You stick the rounded side to the base of your nail, then stretch it up over your nail, pressing it down to stop any wrinkles or air bubbles. The key here is stretching. The first couple I put on I didn't stretch, just pressed, and there were a few wrinkles. The ncLA wraps seem to be a lot stretchier and a better thickness than any others I've used before. You then use the nail file to remove the excess of the wrap from the tip of the nail, then paint with the clear nail polish again to seal the wrap and for extra glossiness. The nail file is really high quality, which again, is something I haven't seen in any of the other nail wrap kits I've tried. So good that I'm going to keep it in my nail stash for filing my nails. 

You can see in the photo the first finger has some wrinkles - that's from not stretching the wrap as I applied but you can only see this up close. I am really happy with how they turned out - it's a really simple way to add really interesting nail art to your nails.

ncLA nail wraps are available from CutECOsmetics priced at £12.50 per pack.


1 comment

  1. These look amazing on you Alice - good tip re stretching them. I've tried ncLA wraps & really liked them too.

    Nic x


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