LFW Day 2: Bloody Grey - Bas Kosters

On Sunday I was doing make up for the Bloody Grey Showcase - which had five designers showcasing their work in a presentation. The designers were Bas Kosters and Jane Bowler - who's make up looks were keyed by Yin Lee, and Tom Van Der Borght and Jayne Pierson who's looks were keyed by Michelle Webb. Martina Spetlova was also showcasing, but via film. Both key make up artists had an AOFM Pro Team with them - I was with Yin Lee doing Bas Kosters. 

Bas himself is such a lovely man, and came to speak to us for a while - his collection is inspired by the fact we don't think about the important things any more - we seem to be more worried about who's first in the queue for a coffee, and don't protest enough. The collection was called 'Rebellious Shadow' and the make up had a protest theme to it - we didn't apply any bases to add to the roughness, and just went mad with the black gel liner and MAC paints. It was quite liberating not to have to be neat and tidy with the make up - it took a bit of getting used to! 

Bas Kosters Face Charts
My make up - the one on the right had to look like he hadn't slept in days. Left as per face chart.
Bas Kosters himself
Bas Kosters Penis Leggings
Yin Lee with one of the models 
Gorgeous model

The look for Jane Bowler which the rest of the team did, was very clean and pretty. They had customised nails applied too.
Jane Bowler make up
Jane Bowler nails

Our models were done a little before call time so I moved over to help Michelle Webb with one of the Jayne Pierson models - they had a very powdered look with a gorgeous eye that reminded me of the sky, with false top and bottom lashes.

One of the Jayne Pierson models in progress

The others of her team were working on Tom Van Der Borght which was a colourful fun painted look.

Michelle Webb working on one of the models
One of the models by Kerri-Anne
Benny Hancock working on one of the models


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