Nivea #DareToKiss + Giveaway!

Woohoo, it's New Year's Eve - we survived the supposed end of the world, and Christmas! There'll be lots of partying and celebrations happening tonight, including Nivea trying to break a world record and make the longest kissing chain ever on Twitter!

You can follow @NiveaUK to keep on track with all the shenanigans going on tonight, and to take part in the kissing chain, send a tweet with a kiss or a message to your special someone, using the #DareToKiss hashtag - let's get record breaking!

To add a bit more fun into the mix, it got me thinking of who, if I was single, amazingly gorgeous, had every man at my disposal, yada yada yada, I would #DareToKiss on New Years Eve....

I'd have to kick off the night with Ryan Gosling in his Drive era... or Crazy Stupid Love...

Next up Josh Holloway, aka Sawyer from Lost...

Throw in a bit of Bradley Cooper, specifically in his black shirt, black suit combo in The Hangover...

And then there's my latest man discovery, Taylor Kinney aka Kelly from Chicago Fire...

Do you agree? Who would you #DareToKiss ?

So where does Nivea come in with all this kissing? They have recently released their Lip Butters which will leave your lips in perfect, kissable condition. They are super moisturising and sink into the lips immediately making them soft and smooth and gorgeous!Nivea have very kindly given me a set of their lip butters to give away to one of my readers - if you'd like to get your hands on a Raspberry Rose, Caramel Cream (how delicious does that one sound?!) and Original Lip Butter, then enter your details in the Rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway ends on 7th January when a winner will be selected at random. Good luck, have a fab New Years Eve, and remember to get tweeting!

*sponsored post


  1. Happy New Year Alice! I hope you're having a great New Years Eve :D Thanks for a year of lovely blog posts! x


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