Onça Health & Beauty Supplement

I was asked if  I'd like to try Onça, a new health and beauty supplement on the market. It's not normally the kind of thing I'd go for - particularly because it has to be drunk (rather than it being in tablet form); I make myself feel very sick very easily, especially if it smells or tastes funny - I'd just put myself off!  As I read the press release, though, it captured my attention - Onça is made from special super-fruits that are not farmed, but sourced in the wild from some of the most fertile soil on earth. The ingredients are so limited, and due to the unique production process necessary to retain the nutrients, Onça have only produced enough for 3000 people worldwide. I was intrigued!

It comes as sachets of powder - the 'activator' to be taken in the morning, and 'regenerator' to be taken in the evening. They have to be mixed with a drink (they recommend milk) - as I opened the activator sachet on the first morning, my heart sank - what had I got myself in for, how would I ever drink this?! It looked so.... healthy!

Once I'd mixed it with the milk and saw what it looked like, I wasn't feeling any better...

Once I'd psyched myself up, I went for it - and was genuinely really surprised, it actually tasted good! It tasted like a nutty chocolate milkshake which I'd have no problem drinking every morning! I found I had to not look at the drink, otherwise I'd see all the bits sitting on the top and put myself off! Those bits are the equivalent to the pulp in a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and are really good for you. I couldn't bring myself to spoon them out at the end and swallow them down, but I'm sure there would be much greater benefits if you did this.

The morning 'activator' contains Guarana to help give you an energy boost, and Biotin and other ingredients to help support the skin's renewal, hair, nails and nerves.

The evening 'regenerator' supports the body's recovery - the key ingredient is wild passion fruit which helps to rebuild health, beauty and body cells. It's known for it's calming and relaxing properties so help to relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia. Grape Seed Extract, Hydrolysed Collagen and other ingredients act as beautifiers during sleep.

Once again, I mixed the sachet with milk and had a word with myself...

Because the morning's drink had tasted so good, it was a little easier to start on this one, despite how it looked! The taste of the passion fruit was very prominent, and tasted just like a passion fruit (or actually, a bit like apricot!) milkshake. Sounds strange, but was pleasant enough! If the thought of drinking a supplement puts you off, don't let it! They tasted nice and if I can do it, anyone can!

I only had a three day sample of the supplement, due to the limited availablity, so am unable to say if it made any changes to my health and beauty. What I did notice during those three days is that I felt very tired at night once I'd drunk the regenerator, and slept very well. I'd been having problems sleeping before that (which in turn was zapping my energy) so this was extremely welcome.

Onça is sold as a box of a month's supply of sachets - 60 in total, and costs £156. Check out their website to order or for more info: http://www.oncacompany.com/

1 comment

  1. Nice healthy resources you have shared, Thank you for healthy support.
    John Smith
    Prescription Drugs


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