MAC Flat Out Fabulous

I am such a lover of MAC Ruby Woo lipstick - it's the perfect red, and as it's matte it stays put alllllll niiiiiiighhhhhttttt looooonnnnnnngggggggg. When MAC extended their line of Retro Matte lipsticks, I couldn't wait to go and have a look at their offerings.

I came away with Flat Out Fabulous; a hot pink which is very wearable, and, does, indeed, stay put. I tested it out last weekend and it stayed through drinks at a bar, and a three course meal!

The good news is, the new Retro Matte collection will become part of the permanent line - yay!

Has anyone tried any of the other new shades from the collection?


  1. Absolutely gorgeous shade - MAC just has too much to choose from at the moment! What's a girl to do - get everything?! Xx

  2. Oh this is lovely! I need to do a MAC shop soon so will keep an eye for this little beauty!

    Rachel from xx

  3. That is a great color. I have vintage glasses with that exact color in the inside. I need a good lipstick that is going to stay on even after a 3 course meal. Thanks for sharing.

  4. A girl can never have enough lippies :)


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