What's in my Glossybox? July 2011

The best Glossybox yet... FACT!



  1. After the whole controversy I was like, no I definitely won't sign up, but now I'm in two minds again! Those products are lovely, and decent sizes too. I just hope they keep it up every month now they've got their customers' trust back!

  2. great glossybox this month. I still dont know if I will subscribe. I feel they are getting a bit full of themselves and a bit carried away putting the price up and what not. And last months box was sooo poor. I was on their website and they are also not sending out another box until late september "due to high demand" hmmm

  3. i got the body oil, green nail polish, ultra sun factor 30 face cream, a small bottle of orley keily perfume and some illamasqua highlighting powder so im pleased with my first box.x

  4. @Marina - I know, it's such a hard decision - I was all set on cancelling, but now I really don't know! What if I cancel then a good box gets sent out?! It's like doing the same numbers on the lottery and missing a week and that'll be the week you'd have won jackpot!

    @Jane - really!? Late September? Wow! That's when the p+p charges come into effect too, wonder if that's a bit of convenience on their part?! I think subscribers should be notified of that via email really.

    @sparkle beauty blog - That's interesting to know, that different people got different items again this month. I'm glad I got what I did, it's as if it's been tailored to me this month :) I'm glad you're happy :)


  5. I got the same as you Alice, although I'm in two minds if I will keep my subscription. The June box was woeful and this is amazing - but they cant sustain that forever can they? Unless they lurch from fail to fab each month.... decisions, decisions! x

  6. Hmmm I didn't know glossy box did so badly last month, I kind of wish we had something like that in Canada-I haven't heard of any established box like birchbox and glossybox.
    The illamasqua lippy is super cute tho! I really like it! :)


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