
Hello! I am Alice, 26 years old, newly single mama of two hailing from North London. Love cosmetics more than your average girl (well, more than most of my friends!) and have been advised to start a blog... so here I am, it's not as if I don't have anything else to do with my time. Ha! I am a serial avoider-of-what-I-should-be-doing, and that's exactly why this blog is being started!

This is me.... hi!

So - I hope to test out some products, do some swatches, tests of product vs product and just generally chatter. I'm up for videos, pics, anything really, so if you have any ideas or suggestions please get in touch and let me know.

Thanks for stopping by, please 'follow' or bookmark me for future ref.


  1. Yay, you did it! With your love for make up, stunning looks and fabulous photography, your blog is going to be awesome.
    Jane x

  2. Hi honey bun! Managed to join up and will now be stalking you. Big mwah xxxxxx


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